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Books and apps
Books by neurodivergent people
The Awesome Autistic Go-To Guide: A practical handbook for autistic teens and tweens – Yenn Purkis and Tanya Masterman
The Spectrum Girl's Survival Guide: How to grow up awesome and autistic and The Spectrum Girl's Survival Toolkit: The workbook for autistic girls - Siena Castellon
The Secret Life of Rose: Inside an autistic head - Rose and Jodie Smitten
Can You See Me? (and sequels) - Libby Scott
A Different Kind of Normal - Abigail Balfe
Different, not Less: A neurodivergent's guide to embracing your true self and finding your happily ever after - Chloé Hayden
Mental health websites and apps
Do-it Profiler - neurodiversity screening app (£)
Off The Record - Counselling and social activities
Kooth - Mental wellbeing community
HappyMaps - Resources
Brain in Hand app - Anxiety and problem-solving (£)
Molehill Mountain app - Tracking worries and advice
None of the products or services on this page are endorsed or recommended by NeonDaisy - this is just for information only. If you know of other great books or resources by neurodivergent people that you think should be on this page, please drop us a line at